That's Me

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I would use this blog in an integrated unit to keep track of everything going on. I think it's a great resource for students to use, students can make sure they know what's going on. As a teacher I can put up extra links, video, and other resources that students could use outside of class.


  1. You are right blogging is a great resource for students! I think it's also a great resource for parents because then they can see what their children are doing in the classroom. You can put up pictures and videos of the children while their doing activities, this way parents can see what their children are doing. I also think students will like to look at the pictures and videos! You can even inform students of what activities they will be doing during the week, so then they will know what they will be doing that week.

  2. Well done Will - great picture too! Hopefully your future students and parents will find it useful!
